Using Google Analytics to prove ROI from Print Marketing

Google Analytics Tracking

Google Analytics is a great and free tool to track traffic to your business’ website and the return on investment (ROI) on your marketing. With social media it is easy to track visits to your website, customer interaction and sales from advertisements as it is built within the applications. Google Analytics makes it just as…

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Online Versus Print Advertising

Mixed Media Advertising

Advertising can be done with online AND print tools. But which tools are the most effective? It’s important to ask some questions first. What are your goals? Both online and print advertising have so many great benefits. However, we think there should be a mixture of both. Here are some pros for both and some…

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5 Website Must-Haves

Coding your new website becomes easy with Webwalrus Colchester

5 Website Must-Haves Your website informs visitors what you do, why they need you and ultimately serves to drive up sales. Unlike an open all-hours convenience store, a website does not have to rely on passing footfall – it widens the net. Accessible 24-hours a day, it can get your brand noticed on a local,…

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SEO And Google – Our One Golden Rule

SEO - At Print Colchester

The world of SEO can be a confusing one – especially when you are starting out with your own small business. Our own journey building websites here at Print Colchester has been one of learning and we’d like to share some of the tips that we’ve picked up along the way. As search engine optimisation…

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